Snowtulip's Corner of the World

Books, bikes, and travel!

Aria: Mini Review

Aria (The Blue Notes) - Shira Anthony

I love second chances stories and this was a happy surprise for me. The first third of this book really captured my attention as a reader by acknowledging Aidan and Sam's past together, while fully embracing this second chance.


The next part of the book became real - a long distance relationship, coupled with the memories of Sam's deceased lover Nick, really took this book to places that were uncomfortable and unresolved. This part might not appeal to some readers, but these were real struggles to me and I appreciated we saw the remoteness each of them had in this relationship. (view spoiler).


Overall, an enjoyable read and I'll be moving on to the next in the series :D


I need some advise...


I've never done audio books, always afraid the narrator will suck and potentially take away from a book I might have loved if the narrator didn't suck :D  I'm considering now, because I have pink eye (ick) and it's cutting into my reading time because my eyes are too worn out to read :(  Yes, desperation is leading me to audio books, I'm addicted to books!


So as a newbie, should I get an audible account, or do you have another suggestion?


Also, what are some of your favorite audio books?



Devices and Desires: Mini Review

Devices and Desires - K.J. Parker



So I have read other reviews that discuss the brilliance of the plotting within this book...and I admit that these reviews kept me going throughout this long book...I had hope!


In the end, this book was tedious and monochromatic. It was overlong, the characters lacked life and I just didn't really care at the end because of this. This world was flat.


Not my type of read apparently, but I can see where the appeal for others might be...I happen to be a very character driven reader.

Hearsay: Mini Review

Hearsay - Taylor V. Donovan


I couldn't wait to get my hands on this story and bought it immediately! I delved right into it and at the end of the story, the only thought I could develop was...hhmmm....

I think for me, using the "impending avoided conversation" as the focal point of the drama and tension didn't work, it was basically an exaggerated form of "the big misunderstanding". This took away from character development because I was thrown into a tense relationship, rather then seeing what lead these two to love each other in the first place

Mini Review: A Natural History of Dragons

A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent - Marie Brennan

Part one had me intrigued enough to keep reading at a fairly steady pace, but must admit that I became bored with the narration as the story went on. Took everything in me to get through it.

Mini review: Tigana

Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay

I love when I feel complete after I finish reading a book!  I love that all the puzzle pieces eventually come together to complete the picture AND there are no extra pieces left over!


This was a well written, plot driven story with relatable characters.  I especially loved how the author handled Dianora's struggle.  This is a new author for me, so I'm anxious for other works!

Mini Review: A Dance of Love and Jealousy

A Dance of Love and Jealousy - Roland Graeme

This story took me a long time to read. I had difficulty with the narration for the first 20% of the book, hardly any dialogue at all, I was being told everything.

If you love ballet, this story probably works better for you than me, there was too much description of everything about the world of ballet that left me drifting or skimming many times.

However, the dialogue and interactions between the characters started and those are the parts of the story I really enjoyed. The conversations between Nate, Beau, Dane, Larry and Rimbauld kept me interested in them as characters. But it wasn't enough in the end for this to be a great read.

Mini Review: The Explorer

The Explorer - James Smythe

Might not be for everyone, because you basically have one voice within this story.

I enjoyed it from a character study perspective, seeing his life through multiple iterations and his responses to seeing that persona kept me intrigued enough.

The sci-fi component had some holes, but we might get more from the next book in the series.

Do you have multiple books for your daily activities?

So, I've been home sick, which means lots of sleep and reading.  It also means I'm not driving around, so I notice that I haven't read anything from my "car" book in awhile.


Is it weird that I have a car book, a paperback/hardback book, and kindle to correspond with my daily activities?


Car book, is for when I'm stuck in the car, not always my kindle read because I like to keep it different :D  My current car book is Code Name Verity.


I also have my paperback/hardback that I keep at home to read as I can.  My current book is Tigana.


My kindle is kept with me at all times, but most often used when I read at night and the only book I will take to bed with me.  My current book is Blinded By Our Eyes, although I read multiple books at a time on this.


Do you do this?



Mini Review: Spokes

Spokes - P.D. Singer

Cycling and books are the air in my world, so I was excited to read a romance with cycling...score!

This was a love story between men and cycling. I had to ride my bike because of the narration of the routes in Colorado and Europe, the author made me want to feel the air, the burn, the scenery. Go cycling!

However, this wasn't too much of a love story between two men (at least for me). I didn't really connect with them. I connected with them and their love of riding, but with each other, not so much. I do admit that this was changing near the end, but then time ran out. The substance of the story was heavily loaded at the end, just a little to late for me.

Mini Review: Fall Hard

Fall Hard - J.L. Merrow

This story has a strong sense of place that really grabbed me. I truly loved the descriptions and narrations surrounding Icelandic history and lore. I was searching on google as I was reading so I could delve deeper!

I also loved how the author created this sense of uncertainty and tension throughout the story.

Now, what didn't work... the romance and characters. Didn't happen, and I wasn't endeared to any of the characters. I was also left going "huh" at the end of the story. Could have been because of the amnesia and his uncertainty about everything, but it didn't work for me. Also, really, that's all we get about Sven? Alex?


It just didn't leave me satisfied, even if it kept me reading.

Next Up!

Tigana - Guy Gavriel Kay

Really excited to start reading this, most people with similar taste seem to love this!

Mini Review: Night Circus

The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern


I have to give a hand to the whimsy and imagery associated with putting together this highly creative and artistic circus.

However, the plot and character development was so thin, I was always waiting for something...and all I'd get is more imagery of the circus...and yes the circus is truly alive. There was more action and story in the last 5%, than in the whole book.

I fully admit I probably would not have finished if this hadn't been a buddy read. 

Mini Review: The Vor Game

The Vor Game - Lois McMaster Bujold

More fun escapades with Miles! He continues to be outlandish and just get by on the edge of his nails.


I didn't enjoy this story as much as previous because some of this was too outlandish in terms of all the perfect coincidences that came together. I was also sad with the changes in Elena, hopefully there is still hope for her in the future because I need to see her spark again.


Still a fun read!

Mini Review: Training Season

Training Season - Leta Blake

Hhmmm...I think I just read episodes of Be Good Johnny Weir?


That kind of struck me through the beginning and end of this book. Matty shares Johhny's love of furs, Russian, clothes, OCD vacuuming, New Jersey, similar BFF, and has had unfair scores for his skating...sounds just like the season of tv.


Therefore, it was hard for me to get into this book, because I just watched some of this on a reality tv show...maybe if I hadn't watched the show, I might have liked this story better?


So, it was hard for me to really get into this story.


I did love the chemistry between Matty and Rob, although I hated Matty's reasons for completely leaving Rob. Some of the sex scenes were so wonderful and intimate, and some left me knowing it wasn't my thing at all!


I liked it fine, but didn't love it...definitely not a reread.

Mini Review: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore - Robin Sloan

How much fun is this book! Not what I expected at all.


The geekery is over the top and you just enjoy where this story takes you. I love that so much of this story revolves around the association of a fantasy dragon trilogy.


I love that they go on a quest (I love it, a quest)!


It's a grand adventure wrapped in secret societies, books, technology, and pop culture thrown in.


This book made me smile silly :D

Currently reading

The Last Hour of Gann
R. Lee Smith